
The Quakerdale Discovery Network plants and waters the seeds of hope, faith, and growth by connecting people with the resources they need to live life at its fullest.

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We are a network of Kingdom minded individuals committed to availing our resources through the local Church for the purpose of God to those in need. We seek to maximize the availability of resources, minimize the cost to provide them, and multiply the points of availability.

How It Works

how it works

The Quakerdale Discovery Network creates, collects, and connects people with the eSources they need to live life at its fullest.

step 1

An individual with a need locates a connecting partner and sets up an appointment to begin looking for resources and to build an on-going supporting relationship with the connecting partner.

step 2

The connecting partner uses the Network Web Application to locate possible resourcing partners that might be able to meet the individual's needs and begins a dialogue with the individual, business and/or organization.

step 3

The resourcing partner agrees to supply the necessary resources to the individual in need through the connecting partner who continues to support the individual and their family.

Get Started

get started

Individual in Need

I have a need and want to locate a connecting partner in my area.

Find a Supporting Community

Resourcing Partner

I would like to provide resources to individuals in need or provide them with an on-going support community.

Join the Discovery Network